WP.org to WordPress


Over the last year and a half, if you typed in the domain wp.org, then you were redirected to WPBeginner. This was an unexpected and unpleasant surprise for many because you really wanted to visit WordPress.org, home of the popular content management system. Today, I’m pleased to announce that we have donated the domain to the WordPress Foundation.

For majority of you, this doesn’t mean anything and life goes on as usual. For those who’re more involved in the WordPress community, this is a huge deal because now you can type wp.org in your Tweets, Slack messages, Facebook statuses, etc without cursing at me or WPBeginner.

I know this redirect was frustrating because many of you tweeted at me or sent us angry emails. To all of you and even those who took the high road, I want to apologize for my actions.

Now you’re probably wondering what changed?

The short answer is A LOT.

My wife and I are pregnant with our first baby. This has given me a new perspective on life as whole.

Balkhi Baby

From ironing out a new will to working on expanding my life insurance coverage, there’s a lot happening. For the first time in my life, I’m thinking about unforseen circumstances. Some of you who’re older and much wiser will call this “growing up”.

I wrote down all the things that are very important to me, and among the top after my family is WordPress. It is my extended family, and you can see that if you meet me at any of the WordCamps. I have been using WordPress for the last 10 years and WPBeginner has been around for almost 7 years.

In other words, WordPress has been part of me for 40% of my life.

As I think about all what WordPress has done for me, donating wp.org to the WordPress Foundation is the least that I could do.

WordPress is far bigger than one person or one organization. That’s the reason why the WordPress Foundation exists. Now if something is to happen to me, at least I know this domain won’t be auctioned off to the highest bidder (rather it’ll be safe at home) with the Foundation.

My only regret is that I didn’t do this sooner. But I’m glad that I did now.

Life teaches us new lessons every day, and I’m sure I’ll be learning a lot with the new baby.

I want to thank everyone who has supported me, and I look forward to continue serving the WordPress community.

Yours Truly,

Syed Balkhi
Founder of WPBeginner

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